Burn mechanism and fee farming

Deflationary mechanism

We created a strong burning mechanism that increases the token price constantly :

  • 3% burn fee will be charged at each deposit on farms and 4% burn fee on pools (current rate that could evolve in the future)

  • The burning transaction fee (3% on farms and 4% on pools) will be used to :

    • purchase MTN and burn them : 30% of the total transaction fee.

    • farming : The BPswap's team will farm these burning transaction fee to create more value and to distribute it to the community (more details soon about the mechanism) : 50% of the total transaction fee.

    • airdrop and marketing : BPswap will make frequent cool airdrops and use a part of the transaction fee into marketing costs : 20% of the total transaction fee.

Details about the fee farming and community distribution

Work in progress : We are actually testing the mechanism and automated distribution and will set it up as soon as ready!

Last updated