Emergency Withdraw

If something happened to the front-end (DDOS) or any issue, your funds are still accessible by the bscscan contract interface in the read tab of our Masterchef and Bush contracts

Note : When executing an emergency withdraw, you get back your funds immediately but with this function, you don't received any rewards from farms, pools or bushes.

How to execute a emergency withdraw

Go on contract page into the contract write tab : Here for example, the BPswap masterchef writetab : https://bscscan.com/address/0x5A182e4e743f8E5569aE2b1d3A9e28509a98F7e1#writeContract

You can firstly

1) Find the poolID of the pool you have staked into the readtab of the contract. Here for example, the BPswap masterchef readtab : https://bscscan.com/address/0x38c9ff0345795c631F196213D0c7489241957002#readContract

Goto 9. poolInfo and type 0 to x (the actual list is below, x is the last number pool) and press "Query" button

2) Click onto the LP token address

3) Check it's the pair or token our looking for

4) Do an emergency withdrawal :

Connect your wallet to the bscscan interface :

Goto 4. -> enter the pool ID that you want to withdraw https://bscscan.com/address/0x38c9ff0345795c631F196213D0c7489241957002#writeContract

click the "Write" button to execute the transaction and confirm into your wallet application (Metamask, Trustwallet, ...)

List of actual pool at BPswap

The current updated list can always be found and read on our Github : https://github.com/BPswap/front/src/config/constants/farms.ts

Last updated